Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay for Lit Draft Essays

Essay for Lit Draft Essays Essay for Lit Draft Essay Essay for Lit Draft Essay Their fathers involvement not only affects their level of knowledge, but also shapes their personalities, creates a shift in power from ether to son, and in the end, impacts the decisions they make when they realize the truths in their lives. Knowledge plays a huge role in peoples lives when it comes to growing up. For Oedipus and Barry, their fathers control their level of knowledge. Oedipus is born and Immediately abandoned by his father. Since Oedipus has no knowledge of his past he ends up unknowingly killing his father, King Alias. Much of the playwright Is about the search for the man who killed King Alias. There Is a repeated contrast In the dialogue between the known and unknown. For example when Oedipus Is speaking with Thirties for Insight on how to find the killer. OEDIPUS: For the love of god, dont turn away, not if you know something. We beg you, all of us on our knees. THIRTIES: None of you knows?and I will never reveal my dreadful secrets, not to say your own. At this point in the playwright, Thirties is trying to hint that there is a truth of Oedipus life that is hidden. Oedipus is constantly hinted throughout the play, however the main fact of him being unknowing of his past creates problems not only for himself, but others in the city. For Barry, on the other hand, knows about his past. However, even though he knows, he is still Influenced by his father because of It. Barry has conversations with his mother and father and It Is very well known that his father Is dying because of an illness. Because Barry Is up to date with his life, It makes It easier for him to go through translators and be trusted by those who rely on him. Having a relationship with a parent is also an important part of a persons life and impacts personality. Oedipus has essentially no relationship with his father besides the fact that he has killed him. Oedipus having no true guidance while growing up to learn right from wrong may very well be the reason for his temperament. Whenever Oedipus is faced tit something that tests him, he becomes very angry, extreme and arrogant. Contrarily, Barry has a relationship with his father, however through the dialogue, the reader can tell that there is a lack of connection between the two of them. There is little to no emotion and their sentences are to the point. However, because Barry knows his father and has him as a figure In his life, he Is able to be caring and patient with those around him as well as his father. When Barry must shave his father he Is calm and responsible. When his father asks him, Hows It going? he replies with, No problem, and You neednt worry. Since Parrys father communicates Walt n NV Ana NAS a purpose In Nils Tie, Barry Is addle to malting a controlled personality. The protagonists relationships with their fathers also affect the speed of their coming of age. The protagonists are younger men in both works of literature. Both are faced with sudden changes in their lives. Oedipus father has died and he has become a king due to solving the riddle of the sphinx. This change transfers power Oedipus father, to himself. With this new power, he must make decisions that are not only affecting himself, but the people of his city. Oedipus has no prior knowledge of what has happened in the past with his city, which suggests that he was not ready to handle this amount of power. In the playwright, the members of the city seem to become uneasy with him leading them. (QUOTE) It is very possible that if Oedipus had had an existing relationship with his father, that he would have had a more gradual transition when gaining power. He would still have someone to look over him and help him make important decisions. With that support, he may have become trustworthy leader. The shift of power from father to son is different for Barry. Barry is more prepared because he has known that his father has been ill and will no longer be a form of guidance for him. Even though his father is present and a part of his life, he really does not guide him based on the fact that he is ill and not able to experience life with Barry outside of the hospital. This is shown when Barry and his father have small talk when he is shaving him. His father does not remember his age. A father that is involved would know the age of their son. The difference between Barras relationship with his father and Oedipus with his is that Parrys situation is unavoidable. It makes it easier for Barry to understand and take control because he knows what is going to happen. Barry is more prepared to take on power. The shifts of power from father to son also cause epiphanies for both protagonists at the end of each work of literature. Oedipus is faced with the truth, that he was the killer of King Alias, his father. He also finds out that his mother, Jotas, is now his wife. Barry is faced with the truth that his father is going to die. There is an enormous difference in how each character reacts to their epiphanies. Oedipus approaches his truth violently. He inflicts pain on himself, which the reader finds out from the messenger. He rips off her brooches, the long gold pins holding her robes?and lifting them high, looking straight up into the points, he digs them down the sockets of his eyes, crying, muff, youll see no more the pain I suffered, all the pain I caused! (Sophocles, 1402-1406) By contrast, Barry is more accepting when he is brought to his truth. This is mainly because he is much more prepared and has had time to accept what is before him. T he narrator of Shaving ends the short story with Parrys realization. Barry opened wide the bathroom Indo. Already, although it was not yet two oclock, the sun was retreating and people were moving briskly, wrapped in their heavy coats against the cold that was to come. But now the window was full in the beam of the dying sunlight, and Barry stood there, illuminated in its golden warmth for a whole minute, knowing it would soon be gone (Norris, 123). Assuming that the sun is a symbol for Parrys father, he is realizing that his father is going to die. It may be that because he shaved him, he fully understood his fathers incapability to do things that once were small tasks in his life. It also may Just be the fact that he had known that his dad was sick and would not De getting netter. In conclusion, Sophocles aromas tragedy leaps Ana Leslie Norris short story Shaving both delve into the idea that fathers have an influence on their sons lives while coming of age. With the prior knowledge that both protagonists in these works of literature have about their lives, given to them by their fathers, each protagonist is affected internally. This is proven by their formed personalities, their way of handling their power, the important decisions they make and how they handle their realizations of truth.

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